Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Deadpool: World's Greatest, Volume 6: Patience Zero

Madcap has returned! And he's mad as hell!

Things seem to not be going Deadpool's way right now. His marriage is falling apart. His Avengers team has been disbanded. And the Mercs for Money are making money, just without Deadpool.

Now with the return of Madcap, things have gone from bad to worse. The former resident of Wade Wilson's head seeks revenge on Deadpool. The fiend has unleashed an incurable plague upon his daughter and members of Agent Preston's family. In order to save them, Deadpool just may have to make a deal with the devil...

Then jump ahead to the year 2099. The Deadpool 2099 saga comes to an end. Which of his daughter winds up with the mantle of Deadpool? Where is Deadpool's bride Shiklah? And what does the Immortal Iron Fist have to do with any of this?

This volume was not as good than the last. Things aren't great for Deadpool and I like my Deadpool to be a little more upbeat.  If I wasn't used to a funny Deadpool, then this would be great as it's quite gritty and dark.

I know things aren't supposed to be great for Wade Wilson. He's like Charlie Brown in a self-deprecating manner in which everyone thinks he's a real blockhead. He never can get ahead and if Deadpool does, he's quickly snapped back to reality.  But I read books with the Merc With a Mouth when I need a pick me up and this did not do the job. 

It's not the worst thing I've ever read by Gerry Duggan. It's just not my favorite either. The artwork by Scott Koblish on the on the hand was pretty awesome and that cover of Madcap bursting through some dude's chest is pretty wicked.

Rating: 6 out of 10 stars.

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