Friday, June 15, 2018

The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage

A supernatural thriller that starts out really good, gets kinda confusing and then ends as greatly as it started. 

A paranormal investigator who can speak to the dead, has one little problem. Unable to locate her deceased husband, Doctor Mirage has lost her passion for life. But when a former covert ops agent seeks Mirage's help to release himself from a demon, she discovers a chance to reunite with her spouse.

The first third of this book is so much like The Sixth Sense. It wasn't a rip-off of that movie. But it just flowed so well that I didn't want that segment to end. 

The middle act gets a little like that Robin Williams afterlife picture What Dreams May Come. In that regards, things get really metaphysical and weird. (Now, I will admit the Director's Cut commentary at the end of this volume helped clear things up. But it was too little, too late.)

The final act didn't return to The Sixth Sense. But it was such a beautiful ending, I didn't want it to end. If the book had cut out that confusing middle act, I would read further adventures of Doctor Mirage.

This wasn't a bad read from Jen Van Meter (Captain Marvel.) The art from Robert Le Torre was okay. His demons were quite terrifying but some of his other characters were hard to decipher from one person to another. Especially the human characters.

A series that wasn't very smooth in it's transitions. However, there is enough promise that I
would give it another try. 

Worth Consuming!

Rating 7 out of 10 stars.

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