Wednesday, May 24, 2023

V #1

In 1983-84, I was in Kindergarten. One of the cultural events that a lot of classmates were rabid about was the NBC sci-fi miniseries V and V: The Final Battle. I was among them! 

The minis were about a race of aliens called the Visitors, that arrived on earth under the guise of peace. However, under their human-like flesh lives a reptilian race of scavengers that see our planet as a mini-mart. At the end of The Final Battle, the human race released a germ known as 'Red Dust' into the atmosphere to kill off the Visitors. 

Not all the Visitors were evil. Those who supported the human race were known as the Fifth Column. They were vaccinated against the Red Dust. For some reason or another, the germ warfare wasn't as powerful on the temperate areas of the planet. So, those areas remained under Visitor occupation.

Areas such as central Los Angeles, became designated truce zones, much like Rick's American Cafe in Casablanca. This allows for Visitors and members the earth's Resistance forces to interact, scheme and play deadly games of cloak & dagger. Diana, the Visitor leader, operates out of a mothership in orbit above this region, seeking to finally conquer this planet. Aiding her is the billionaire pharmaceutical tycoon Nathan Bates, who uses the power vacuum of the past war to take over California while assimilating Visitor tech.

Thankfully the first issue of this DC Comic adaptation does an amazing job of providing all this information. While I've seen the two miniseries within the past couple of years, I've not seen the TV show since its first days of airing in 1984-85. I love V and I used to have these books, along with a couple of toy guns and the coveted Visitor action figure when I was younger. The comics I was able to find for basically a dollar each or less and the fun I had from the franchise as a kid was just as rabid as it was 40 some years ago. 

Laying the frame work, I am excited to dig through this 18 issue run. Featuring a script by Cary Bates with artwork by the legendary Carmine Infantino, things are poised for full-throttle action and adventure. Oh, and of course fun!

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.

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