Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Welcome to my reading journal

In the past 7 years, I've read well over 2,600 books of various types. Some might think reading this much is crazy. But, I think it's insane not to be an avid reader. Many of what I've read came from my local library, where I've been working with the staff to build up the graphic novel section from 2 shelves filled mostly with Garfield and Bloom County to three separate sections with books devoted to children, teens, and adults.
  I don't just read comics. I love sci-fi and mysteries. I was a history major, so I love to learn about history and famous people. I'm also a chef and I like to read about cooking and art in order to have a better grasp on the latest culinary trends and for inspiration.
   Finally, I must stress that while I've read thousands of books in the past 3/4 of a decade, not all of these books came from my public library. Some books are part of my collection. Some books were borrowed, while some books have come and gone (mostly to be resold at used book shops.) But, every book I've bought, I've not paid full price. I'm an avid bargain hunter. I've culled through millions of long boxes, musty book shelves, and rummage sale and thrift store boxes of prose to necessitate a reading journal to keep track of what I've read and plan for my next adventure down the "rabbit hole."

So, happy reading and like a fellow madman often says, "Allons Y!"

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