Saturday, November 26, 2016

Star Wars: Darth Vader, Volume 1: Vader

Spiraling out of of the destruction of the Death Star, Darth Vader is number one on the Emperor's $hit list. But the Chosen One has a chance to redeem himself should he find the rebels responsible for attack. Now forced to be subservient to Grand Moff Tarkin's replacement, Admiral Tagge, Vader is given a virtual babysitter in the form of a detestable Imperial Officer who is to oversee the progress of the Dark Lord (Vader's been relegated to the Emperor's crap work.)
Vader is still trying to be loyal to his master, but when the fallen Jedi discovers that Emperor Palpatine already has plan to replace him with genetically altered Sith Lords, Lord Vader goes Rogue… seeking to find the pilot who destroyed the Death Star, make him his apprentice and possibly become the next Emperor!
  This series is a strange combination of Classic Star Wars meets the new trilogy with an unsettling amount of Disney-esque touches. I mean, I am thrilled with all the great cameos like Boba Fett and Jabba mixed with new characters like the precocious archaeologist Doctor Alphra and her pair of torture droids. But throughout this book, there's a hint of House Of Mouse that just doesn't belong in a galaxy far, far away…
  An excellent story by Kieron Gillen (Young Avengers), filled with wonderful artwork by Salvador Larocca (Xtreme X-Men) and killer covers by Alex Ross and Adi Granov. But this book is is missing something and really the only party you can blame for that, wears mouse ears.

  Worth Consuming

   Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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