Monday, March 13, 2023

DC Special #27

In a story that takes place simultaneously in the prehistoric past, modern day 1977 and the year 2056, a series of events are conspiring to destroy the very fabric of space and time. The time travel villain Chronos is releasing dinosaurs into the 20th Century in hopes of keeping a pair of intergalactic time cops busy while the fiend goes back in time to steal a comet from a race of dino-people!

Oh my god was this story a jumbled mess...

I've not really been a fan of the character of Captain Comet. In my opinion, DC needs to stay away from mutants. That's Marvel territory. To me, he seems like a second rate Man of Tomorrow.

Now the presence of Silver Age fixture Tommy Tomorrow in this story with the added mix of time travel- that's DC's bread and butter! And that part of the story comes along fine. Having Captain Comet and Hawkman tackle some time displaced thunder lizards was a lot of fun. Having a Jurassic age race of dinosaurs who worship a giant comet is really stupid. The addition of Chronos was fun and his diversion was rather smart. But there's a ton of stuff going on here and 34 pages just isn't enough room to get it all in. 

DC's answer man, Bob Rozakis, penned this story. I think if he was allowed to have a 2-parter, this would have been a much better story. But 1977, when this story was published, was during the dawn of the DC Implosion of titles. So the publisher was doing everything it could to get works published during a time when sales were at a near all-time low without sacrificing titles. Hawkman and Superman as members of the Justice League are in this story. And the JLA satellite is a setting that bookends this book. Why couldn't they have added a couple of more Leaguers and made this a two-part Justice League of America story? It would have worked, I tell ya!

It's not for me to question why DC did what it did. This was a dire financial time for the company that only a 1978 live-action feature of the Man of Steel would solve. But the possibilities of what if are just mind boggling. Oh, wait- What If... that's Marvel territory. Oops...

Rating: 6 out of 10 stars.

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