Friday, March 3, 2023

Star Wars Adventures, Vol. 11: Driving Force (Family Comic Friday)

I got majorly sick this week. That kept me from even feeling like reading for several days. I almost cancelled this week's post. Thankfully, I had an oldie but a goodie book on my hands for a quick read. So, here we go...

This is the penultimate volume of IDW's Star Wars Adventure series. The first volume. There are 2 issues reprinted here for a total of 5 stories. Even though one story is set in between Episodes III and IV, all of these Star Wars tales involve new trilogy characters. 

Poe Cameron, decked in Blue as a member of Rapier Squadron, the X-Wing pilot and his trusty droid BB-8 run afoul of space pirates!

Set in the days of the Empire, young Princess Leia is about to teach her close friend Amilyn Holdo how to drive a speeder on the crowded 'streets' of Coruscant. But Holdo has other plans, which involve touring the lowest levels of city-planet. We're talking exploring levels lower than 5! Super dangerous and yet a hidden part of the fabled Galactic center of government and commerce that excites the heck out of me!

Then we travel to Ahch-To during Rey's training with Luke Skywalker. In this story, we get to see an unseen episode in which the aspiring Jedi's impulsiveness unearths an ancient terror from the deep. 

The two remaining adventures are Tales From Wild Space back-up features. The wizened Maz Kanata teaches one of her former proteges a lesson in humility. Considering that the character is nearly 1,000 years old, there's no telling if this story occurs after the fall of the Empire or during the Age of the Old Republic. 

The second story involves a New Republic era A-wing pilot that I've never heard of. According to the date files in the back of this book (which were greatly appreciated), this character was a friend of Poe Dameron and apparently died during the events of Episode VII.

Good stories with amazing art. I would have preferred these stories to have been all set during the Clone Wars or the Rebellion. At least there are a few legacy characters peppered in. Younger fans will probably be really excited over this. Parents and guardians will probably get really excited over seeing Chewbacca! But then again, who wouldn't?! He's the best Wookiee ever! And there's no stormtroopers! Star Wars stuff has to have stormtroopers!

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.

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