Friday, January 12, 2024

The Nightmare Brigade, Vol. 3: Finding Alice (Family Comic Friday)

After numerous experiments exploring the human mind via entering people's most fevered dreams, the Nightmare Brigade is ready to tackle its most dangerous mission yet: rescuing Tristan's mother! To do this, they must enter the mind of madness that is of the sleep clinic's most troubled patient, Leonard! But the team will have to act fast as Professor Angus' old boss Colonel Bloom has finally found him and is seeking both revenge and the Morpheus technology that allows one to enter the nightmare realm.

With Volume 3 the Nightmare Brigade enters a new era. The jury is still out if I like the changes or not. I'm still very intrigued. But I am also very dubious about some of the new characters added to the mix. Plus, Professor Angus continues to act all righteous and yet a lot of the decisions he makes are rather unethical. 

Another way that Nightmare Brigade is changing is through ownership of its American publisher Papercutz. Editor-in-Chief Jim Salicrup always ends each volume with a letter to the reader, expounding on the next volume as well as other series in the works. This time around, Salicrup informs readers that Papercutz is now the property of Mad Cave Studios and that both he and founder Terry Nantier will be stepping down from their duties into advisor roles before eventually leaving the company altogether. 

I really hope that Mad Cave Studios and their leader Max Ogle will continue to foster amazing series such as The Nightmare Brigade. I want young readers (and myself) to get closure with the characters in this book. Yet, there have been too many times when a great Indy series just stops due to lack of customer interest or worse, the creative or editorial teams just lose interest or faith in the project. Papercutz has really revitalized the graphic novel game in the past decade or so; first with titles that interest primarily girls and secondly by challenging both Marvel and DC to tap back into the kid-friendly graphic novel market. Hopefully, the efforts of the new owners will continue Papercutz amazing legacy instead of cutting them off at the knees. 

Only time will tell.

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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