Saturday, August 17, 2024

Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day

With a title like 'Graduation Day', you'd think that I would wait until May or June to read this and you'd be right. However, I started reading Volume 1 of Geoff John's 2003 take on the Teen Titans and I realized that I need to read this book first before going on. I'd also need to complete this 3-issue miniseries before going on to Judd Winick's 2003 Outsiders as well. No problem! Besides, the phrase 'Graduation Day' is just that. There's no pomp and circumstance whatsoever in this book.

Our story begins in San Francisco. A major conglomerate has called the Titans to listen to a pitch to sponsor the superheroes in their endeavors. Also invited are the members of Young Justice. In the middle of a break, all hell breaks lose when a malfunctioning android attacks Cyborg, causing him to overload and injury several members of both teams. 

The scene jumps to the nearest trauma center where the medical team are facing meta-human physiologies unlike ever before. A team from STAR Labs arrives just about the same time that the news breaks that a Silicon Valley video game company is under attack by the rogue android. What does this rampaging robot want with a manufacturer of video games? Turns out that the facility is a front for a STAR Labs laboratory where a lot of dangerous technology is being housed; including a robotic version of Superman that has a history of being unreliable and it's just been activated by the cybernetic intruder.

Judd Winick crafts a story that changes a large chunk of the DC Universe. Beloved characters die. Friendships are broken. Teams dismantled. The events of 'Graduation Day' are shocking to say the least.

I'm a big fan of Young Justice. I also like the Teen Titans, though I got to admit, their adventures get a little too soap opera-like for my enjoyment. But I've been sitting on a trove of related material of these teams, including the Outsiders, which I inherited after the death of my best friend. Just recently, the database I had been using for the last 17 years just up and shutdown for no warning. So as I scramble to re-catelogue my vast 12K strong collection, I find myself finally motivated to read some of his stuff in order to determine if I've just been holding onto these book for the sake of my best friend's memory or do I really like these books?

The verdict so far is that the prospects are promising. I definitely want to keep reading those Teen Titans and Outsiders trades. If all goes well, they like this book will definitely be a keeper.

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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