Monday, September 10, 2012

Justice League International Special No. 2 Featuring The Huntress

Justice League International Special #2
The Huntress, a somewhat disciple of the Batman’s joined the JLA in the late-80s. She lasted about a dozen issues, mostly as a bit player and then BOOM!- she disappears without much explanation.
This special tries to correct that oversight, by explaining where she went and why she begin’s the story in hiding. All seems well until the appearance of a new costumed vigilante in a local paper brings her out of exile and on the front doorsteps of the League.
It’s not a bad story, but there are a few problems, mostly with plotting. The background of Huntress is muddled. There’s still some Pre-Crisis bleed over of Huntress originally being the daughter of the Earth-2 Batman and Catwoman. Plus, she’s got some many aliases as she is now trying to hide from the mob, that even Huntress herself, can’t keep things straight.
The biggest problem is the title. It says “Justice League International” on the cover, but Huntress was never a member of that version of the League and the team she runs to for help is the Justice League America and NOT the JLE.
Other than that, the art is good and the dialogue is good capturing the silliness of Giffen and DeMatteis.
Worth Consuming.
Rating: 7 out of 10 stars.

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