Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Power of Shazam

This beautiful 1994 graphic novel written and painted by Jerry Ordway helped usher the true Captain Marvel into the 1990s. 

When the parents of Bill Batson uncover a lost tomb in Egypt, they are betrayed by their expedition partner. Using a sacred scarab artifact, this man turns into Black Adam! But as the scarab is incomplete, Black Adam's power is only at 50 percent! 

Meanwhile back in the United States, Billy is forced to survive on the means streets of Fawcett City, living off what meager earnings he makes from selling newspapers. One night, a mysterious man takes Billy into the Fawcett City subways and introduces him to the wizard Shazam! Now blessed with a score of super powers, it is up to Billy's new alter-ego Captain Marvel to prevent Black Adam from finding the second piece of the scarab and bring his parent's killer to justice.

There was a couple of plot holes in this story. But overall it was a great adventure. Visually stunning, I haven't seen such masterful paintings in comics since Alex Ross' MARVELS. I loved how Ordway stylizes Black Adam to look like Universal Monsters icon Boris Karloff!

The funny thing about this book was I didn't know it even existed until one day I saw an ad for the book in the back of an old DC issue of something from the 1990s. Then a couple of days later I found this book at a thrift store for cheap and I knew that this was an omen of good tidings! I am glad I listen because I really enjoyed this book.

This graphic novel spun off a 47 issue series in which Ordway and later Dick Giordano continued the adventures of the Big Red Cheese! Having really hated that this book ended so quickly, I've now got The Power of Shazam on my wish list!

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

(Note: The Power of Shazam had a 48th issue. However, it was a one issue continuation brought about a year after cancellation by the Blackest Night event in 2010. Ordway only did the cover, so I did not include it in my review as that issue should really have been a one shot special.)

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