Monday, October 7, 2019

Cannabis: The Illegalization of Weed in America

I've read Box Brown's last 3 works and I loved them all. Brown's non-fiction takes on Andre the Giant, TETRIS and Andy Kaufman were brilliantly done. So when the author/artist announced that he was tackling the issue of cannabis, even though it's a culture of which I know literally nothing, I was still game to it!

Brown gives a fairly unbiased look at America's warped view on recreational drugs. He makes a very good point at noting for all it's ills, our country sure does seem to give marijuana a black eye while treating alcohol as a near sacred cow. However, I did feel that the last 30 pages or so basically proclaims pot to be a cure-all and not bad at all! 

I'm sorry, but my wife worked on a clinical trial about cannabis. All she's revealed about it's effects on the brains of children, teens and adults under the age of 25 are not worth all the benefits that the wicked weed offers. 

However, if you've been extremely confused as I have about what's up with CBD oil all of a sudden and why is it okay (according to the FDA) to eat hemp but not pot brownies; then Cannabis is just what the doctor ordered. 

(Sorry- I just couldn't resist!)

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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