Sunday, May 19, 2024

That's a Fact, Jack! by Harry Bright and Jakob Anser

I enjoyed the heck out of this book and yet I was left unsatisfied. For one thing, this book claims to be a 'collection of utterly useless information'. However, I felt that there was some really interesting stuff inside that could be useful for a game of Trivial Pursuit or Jeopardy!

Then there's the length of the book. 192 pages. However, most pages have only one factoid. Some might have two, tops. Either more facts could have been inserted into this book OR they could have reduced the page count by, oh maybe a third. No wonder we're having a shortage on trees! 

Some generic illustrations are added throughout the book. Public domain stuff from the late 1800s and such. They're extraneous. Again, instead of these fillers, either put in more facts or take out some pages!

When this hardcover book debuted in 2006, the MSRP was $21.99! Had I paid that much for this book based on all the faults I have for it now, I would have been pissed! Currently, this book sells new on Amazon for $9.99. That's a 55% discount and still too rich for my blood.

Thankfully, I got this at a used book store 'fill a bag' sale. I think the bag cost $20 or $25. We filled that sucker to the brim and then some. I'd say I ended up spending less than $0.75 for this book. Maybe a bit less. That sort of bargain prevents me from rating this book lower. But I wonder if I should for those of you who might not benefit from a massive fire sale. 

I liked what I read. I just do not feel like there's a portrait of Andrew Jackson's worth of knowledge inside.

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 7 out of 10 stars.

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