Monday, May 13, 2024

The Flash, Vol. 6: The Secret of Barry Allen

Brad Meltzer's universe changing Identity Crisis still haunts me to this very day. Sue Dibny did not deserve her fate. Husband Ralph, the Elongated Man, didn't either. This collection of Flash comics are the prelude to Identity Crisis you didn't know you needed.

Hunter Zolomon lies in a special cell at Iron Heights Penitentiary, frozen in a moment of time. He targeted Wally West's family, causing wife Linda to miscarriage. As a result, West went to Hal Jordan, who inherited the mantle of the Spectre, for help. Using the God-blessed powers of the Spirit of Vengeance, Jordan made it to where the world forget that Wally West is the Flash; including Wally himself.

Now after about a month of a normal life, Wally has regained his memories and so has Linda. It's made marriage difficult and Linda has left her husband to deal with the sudden shock. Now the Justice League wants to know just who in the heck is the Flash; especially as the sudden loss of memory seems very similar to what happened to Doctor Light when he raped Sue Disney. Has the Justice League gone too far once more?

After Wally learns of his predecessor's role in the magical lobotomy of Light, the latest hero to carry the name of the Flash will learn that this is not the only sin Barry Allen made. What Wally must do to put things right will put something Barry Allen did right again. However, West's task may end up fracturing the uneasy detente between the Scarlet Speedster and the Rogues; including those who have reformed!

Over 200 pages of story featuring Scarlet Speedsters of the past, present and future. Yet, like with most Flash tales, the stars of the show are the Rogues. I felt when I watched The CW's The Flash TV show that the Rogues were so novel and unlike the comics. But I had based that assumption on a vast majority of my reading on books from the Silver Age and early Bronze Age. The strange moralism of Captain Cold. The vindictive nature of human hater, Gorilla Grodd. The reluctant heroics of Heatwave. It's all in here! 

It's also kinda making me rethink my stance on The Flash TV series. Will it make me re-watch it? Not in the least. I've got better things to do. But I have a much greater appreciation for it.

A wonderful collection of work by Geoff Johns, who in my opinion is a sorely underrated comic scribe. Everyone gives Jim Lee and Dan Didio props for the evolution of the modern DC Universe. But after reading 'The Secret of Barry Allen', I'm feeling that Johns deserves a heck of a lot more credit than has been due!

And YES! If you are keeping track, this is a re-read and yet I don't remember reading this prior! Oh, boy...

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.

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