Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Thor: The Mighty Avenger, Vol. 2

Cover to Issue #6, which was also
the cover to this collection.

Thor: Mighty Avenger was an all-ages series, but I suspect it was published not just to introduce a new generation to the god of Thunder, but to give young viewers of the Thor movie a book that was less gory than the standard Thor titles.
I thought it was a great series. The art was very retro and Thor’s love story with Jane Foster wasn’t gushy, but deftly written as a metaphor for Thor finding a place on Midgard. Sadly, the book ended after only 8 issues, yet that doesn’t stop the series from incorporating some of Thor’s greatest enemies and pals. The Warriors 3, Loki, Namor, and Iron Man all make appearances in this final volume. Unfortunately the identity of the mysterious Mr. K, who kidnaps and attempts to kill Thor in the final 2 issues was never revealed.
Includes reprints of Journey Into Mystery 85-86.
Worth Consuming.

Rating: 10 out of 10 stars.

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