Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Flashpoint: Abin Sur- The Green Lantern #1

  You would think that with a title like Abin Sur: The Green Lantern, that would mean that the Lantern who preceded Hal Jordan ( in the Pre-Flashpoint universe) is the only member of the Green Lantern Corps. Alas, this is not the case. Instead, due to inaction on the part of the Guardians, Abin Sur has become withdrawn from his fellow Corpsmen. Abin Sur blames the Guardians for the death of his beloved sister and has become a loose cannon, often making the rules up as he sees fit and just. Sinestro sees this and hopes to make Abin can ally when the conniving Thaal makes his move to overthrow the Guardians.
 Initially, Abin Sur rejects an alliance with Sinestro. But when the Guardians demand that Abin Sur destroy an entire planet in his sector, the gritty Green Lantern may finally side with the conspirators. For the Guardians have ordered Abin Sur to destroy the Earth!
There's a lot of questions that need to be answered in this Flashpoint miniseries tie-in. Why are the Guardians so weak to act in interplanetary conflicts, like the one that killed Abin Sur’s family, but willing to destroy an inhabited planet? Where are the other Corpsmen besides Kilowog and Sinestro? And most importantly where is Hal Jordan and how does he fit into all of this?
A very intriguing issue to a miniseries that hopefully will only get better.

  Worth Consuming

  Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.

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