Monday, May 28, 2018

Star Trek: New Visions #6

The story of the Federation's first encounter with the Borg can finally be told thanks to John Byrne!

Using Photoshop and an insane amount of photos from the original Star Trek TV series, Byrne tells the stories of Kirk, Spock and the crew you always wanted to see. I love this picto-comic series. Byrne tries so much to make these stories so vintage-like, you feel like you are watching a lost episode from the 1960s.

I've been a fan of John Bryne since his X-Men days and have adored his post-Crisis take on Superman. I'd buy every issue in this series right of the shelf if I could, but the $7.99 price tag has been way too steep for me. Thankfully I found a couple of issues for only a buck at one of my favorite thrift stores.

This was an exciting read. Not all of the Photoshopped images look very realistic. But I appreciate that Byrne doesn't just cut and paste everything either. There's a ton of asteroids in this story and I couldn't find a pair of matching space rocks anywhere.

And that ending was perfectly killer!

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.

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