Sunday, July 28, 2019

Pop Culture by the Numbers by David Hoffman

A really fun little fact book that reviews the numbers behind some of pop cultures most beloved icons. 

You learn some really interesting stuff like the number of theaters that originally agreed to show the first Star Wars film (only 40!), the number of bottle caps in Bert's collection (368!) and the number of steel wire cables that comprise the two gigantic cables of the Golden Gate Bridge (a whopping 25,572!)

There's about 50 total subjects in this book. That number could of been much higher if not for the artwork. There's about 30 pages of pop art-style images of things like Twinkies or Elvis' hips. I liked the art. But you could have had 15-20 more pages of factoids if those images were merely reduced in size by half. Kinda seems like a waste of space. 

This Hallmark Gift Books' publication was ultra trendy and an enjoyable read. But for the original cover price of $12.95, it just doesn't seem to be an efficient use of all 145 plus pages. Glad I got this book for only a buck on trade credit...

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 7 out of 10 stars.

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