Thursday, January 16, 2020

Joker: Year of the Villain One-Shot

Joker stories are getting to be a dime a dozen. He is perhaps the most popular Batman villain of them all. Thus DC Comics is putting out tons of stories about the Clown Prince of Crime ad nauseam. I am sure that the average Joker fan feels that those stories are so amazing. And I will admit that the role reversal of the Batman: White Knight storyline does seem to have some originality to it. But the majority of the Joker stories being produced these days just seem interested in diving deep into the Joker's psyche and getting as violent as possible. It just doesn't make sense to spend full price on stuff that's going to be in the dollar bin next year.

So why did I buy this Year of the Villain one-shot at original price? That's easy! Two words: John Carpenter!

Having the legendary director, who by many is considered more of a modern master of horror than Stephen King, take on Batman's most deranged enemy was so intriguing to me. I just had to know what the Halloween creator was going to do with the Joker. 

In this story, Carpenter focuses on one of the Joker's henchmen. Thus, you really get to see Joker at his most insane and in this one-shot, that has Joker and adjutant taking on the roles of Batman and Robin. Of course, the villain has a warped way of seeing vigilante justice. Murderers an thieves are off the hook. But if you are a jaywalker or don't pick up after your dog makes on the sidewalk- beware this antithesis of The Bat!

Jon Carpenter's story was unique but not really different. I remember that classic 1960s story in which the Joker made his own versions of Batman's utility belt. But Joker didn't really try to go on the 'straight and narrow' with his gadgets. I was also rather unhappy with the ending. It's too open-ended. However, I would not be surprised if the henchman and some other characters introduced in this book might pop up in a future issue of Batman/Detective Comics or even a sequel one-shot. 

A good story that is at times quite creepy. Not the definitive Joker tale. But I also don't think that this story is over yet. Thus, I will rate it slightly higher that I might normally.

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 7 out of 10 stars.

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