Sunday, January 5, 2020

Star Trek: The Q Conflict

We've had other comics join together the Original Series and the Next Gen universes- but never to this scope!

The Q Continuum is at war! Q is involved in a struggle for control of the 4 quadrants with a pair of omnipotent races. The battle is threatening the fabric of time and space. Thus to save reality, Captain Picard offers to mediate between the three entities. 

In typical Q fashion, the demigod takes up Picard's offer but he twists it in his own warped way. In a 'fwash', the crews of the Enterprise D, Deep Space 9, Voyager and the original Enterprise are sorted into teams and must act as champions for the 3 combatants with the safety of all known time and space at risk!

This was a book that I had to pick up new! I could not wait for a used copy to go on sale! I really wanted to read this book. I know I could have read it earlier in individual issues. But the scale of this book was so massive, I knew that to read over a span of 2-3 months as individual issues would have resulted in something being lost over that time period. 

I was right!

There's so many cameos and Easter Eggs in this book. Reading this as a collected edition, I am pretty sure I caught all of them. Though there was at least one egg that I didn't quite understand. At the end of issue/chapter one, there's a ghostly image of some man in the distance. I've tried but I can't figure out who that is. I hope it's not Gene Roddenberry. Not that he doesn't deserve the respect but to pay homage to him in the story instead of an afterward on the last page of the book, would be a massive disruption of the fourth wall. 

As for the book, I loved it. And I wanted more. Not only that, I know that there's going to be more. If you think IDW is going to stop at Q Conflict, you are completely fooling yourself. The publisher is going to milk this cash cow- and I'm okay with it!

I want to see everyone in the sequel. The crew of Discovery. Captain Archer and his crew. Chris Pike and Number One. The older versions of Kirk and Spock. Saavik. David. And the Kelvin Enterprise Crew. 

Come on, IDW! Let's make Q Conflict II the Crisis of the Star Trek universe! It will be the ultimate crossover and a guaranteed moneymaker! And I WILL BUY IT!

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.

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