Monday, October 26, 2020

Walt Disney's Donald Duck Adventures #35

Not sure why this was published under Donald Duck Adventures and not Gladstone's Uncle Scrooge titles. This Halloween themed story was very much a Scrooge McDuck story. And it was pretty absurd.

Scrooge wages war on Halloween. As a result, he ends up buying all of Duckburg's supply of pumpkins, costumes and candy. By the time it's Halloween, Scrooge is bankrupt; just because the price of candy went up a measly 2 cents per pound and the miser doesn't want to give any handouts to trick-or-treaters.

The story is pretty goofy. And it makes for a funny story especially with the addition of Disney guest-star,
Witch Hazel. But this just doesn't seem to be a typical Uncle Scrooge yarn. I find it impossible to believe that the gazillionaire Duck would allow his finances to be misused like this just to save a few pennies. He usually comes up with such harebrained schemes but the thought of spending money to save money seems to bring Uncle Scrooge back to his senses. 

I'm 50/50 on this issue. It's a fun Halloween themed story but it seems atypical of one of my favorite Disney characters of all-time. I'm also on the fence with this 1995 issue's format. For some reason, Gladstone decided to replace the shiny covers with covers that are more similar to the newsprint filler inside. It might have been a cost saving method. As this is only the second issue of such I have ever seen, I don't think this experiment lasted very long.

Rating: 6 out of 10 stars. 

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