Friday, October 30, 2020

The X-Files Annual 1

You would think that with a cover titled 'Hallow Eve', that this story would be set upon Halloween. Alas, that is not the case. Now, on the plus side, I would have bought this issue regardless as I loved The X-Files and I thought that the comics made by Topps (yes, the same folks who make the baseball cards) were quite well made. So, this stays are part of my permanent collection. I'll just be moving it from holidays over to X-Files.

The story is both quasi-biblical and scientific with an anthropologist searching for the remains of 'Eve': the first female. During his dig in Africa, the researcher dies of a heart attack. This kind of case wouldn't even peak the interest of Mulder. But when both more characters involved in the transport of the fallen scientist's remains and equipment begin to die of heart failure as well, even Uber-skeptic Scully will admit something fishy is going on. 

It doesn't help that the FBI agent is having visions of her deceased father during this assignment. Or does it? 

There's definitely a creepy side to this story as with all X-Files tales. But this amazing whodunit goes slightly off the rails with a twist that honestly, I should have seen coming. But as with many adventures starring Fox and Dana, the reality is more confusing than the supernatural answers. 

And that last page. Holy crap! I loved it. So very eerie. I would love it if Topps or even IDW later on did a sequel to this tale. 

Nope. This isn't a Halloween story. It's a ghost story. So, the time is right for me having read this recently. But I'm now concerned that my supposed Winter holiday X-Files comic issue isn't set during Thanksgiving or Christmas. 

Could I expect anything less from 2020?

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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