Saturday, November 21, 2020

Dennis The Menace: Bonus Magazine Series #188

I got a chance to shop at one of my favorite used books stores today. I hadn't been there since before the pandemic. So it was nice to have a little normalcy. Even it is was only for a brief appointment time. But while I was there, I found a bunch of dollar gems for my collection and this was one of them.

I loved reading Dennis the Menace comics when I was a kid. One of my favorite stories was about this coming eclipse and how Dennis learned from a teacher how to view the solar event with some cardboard contraption. I had always wondered how you put such a thing to practice and it wasn't until that total eclipse we had a few years ago that I finally figured it out. 

Anyway, back to this issue. There were 3 stories in this comic. The first story had Dennis learning all about horse racing and then dreaming that he was a jockey. The last story has Dennis going camping with his Dad and getting lost in the process. Both had slightly predictable endings. But they had that charm I remembered so well from those comics I read as a tyke. 

The middle story was a pre-holiday surprise. It involves the Little Match Girl, from that tragic Christmas story, getting a lesson from Dennis about fire safety. Thanks to the inclusion of Aladdin, his magic lamp and it's genie, this version of the holiday horror tale doesn't end tragically. Since it's a pretty far out adventure, I am wondering if Dennis dreamed up this story as well.

This was a charming time capsule for only a buck. Sure, it wasn't in mint condition. But for being over 40 years old, my copy was in pretty decent shape. And that's how I feel about the story and art. For being a kids comic from when I was just 2 years of age, it has aged decently.

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars

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