Tuesday, July 30, 2024

It's Jeff #1

A week ago I reviewed a book called Silent Tales by Gustavo Duarte. I basically stated that comic stories without words don't work as effectively as the 'talkies'. Well for today's review, I want to amend that statement. Comic books without words can work... sometimes.

The book I read is Marvel's It's Jeff! #1. Written by Kelly Thompson with art by the Japanese duo known as Gurihiru, this comic has a lot of similarities with DC's Silent Tales

  • Both books are one-shots from 2023.
  • Both specials are based on digital platform series.
  • Both series use only emojis for speech and only the occasional word like for an exit sign or name of a business are used.
  • Both works have a humorous slant.
The only difference between It's Jeff and Silent Tales is that Marvel's book was rated for all ages and I very much think that was what made that issue more enjoyable. It also helps that Jeff is a loyal friend. He's also adorable!

For those of us not in the know, Jeff is a land shark. Genetically modified by a super villain, along with other animals to take over the world of the humans, despite being a shark, Jeff didn't have a single evil bone in his body. (Maybe that's because a shark's skeleton is made of cartilage.) Jeff ended up winning the heart of Gwenpool, who entrusted the fish to Deadpool and Elsa Bloodstone before being reclaimed by Gwenpool and becoming the official mascot of the most recent incarnation of the West Coast Avengers. Now Kate Bishop, the female Hawkeye, is Jeff's primary caretaker.

In this issue, Jeff has about a dozen adventures. Some involve him acting like a very toothy dog, like ruining Avengers Thanksgiving dinner. But many of Jeff's adventures occur as a part of his overactive imagination. Too hot for a snowball fight? Jeff's got you covered! Got a bathtub full of mermaids that need saving? Jeff's got you covered! Just need a friend? Jeff's got you covered!

I had very little trouble understanding these stories. Kelly Thompson did an excellent job plotting everything so that readers 5-95 could follow the plot. Gurihiru's cartoony style is accessible to all. And above all, I wanted more of it! Good thing there's another Jeff special that came out earlier this year. It's just too bad that I passed it over, having not read this one-shot yet and not knowing how magical Jeff is. 

I won't make that mistake again!

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 10 out of 10 stars.

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