Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos #101

If you ever wondered how such a mish-mash of lunatics get paired together to become the Howlers, this is the issue you've been waiting for. If you thought it was all because of selective service randomly drafting recruits for the war effort, I don't think you really understand the Marvel Way of storytelling. Sure, most of these guys got drafted into the Army. A couple volunteered to fight. However, the way the unit came together was a story of fate, heroics and teamwork.

I thought it was a very good story. However, a couple of things seemed a bit far fetched to me. For example, my favorite Howler, Dum Dum Dugan, was a strongman in a European travelling circus when he met Fury and his CO, 'Happy' Sam Sawyer. Because of how well they worked together, Dugan was put in Fury's outfit upon request. Would that sort of placement been allowed back in 1942? I've glossed over how Dugan's trademark bowler isn't GI. But could just anyone say 'that guy has moxie. Enlist him. Then put him in my platoon!' 

While all of the Howlers appear here, in all honesty, this story is more about how the Fury/Dugan team came about. It's also about Nick's good friend Red Hargrove, whose death during the attack on Pearl Harbor inspired Fury to become a commando. 

Reprinting issue #34 of the series, this issue is a bit of a rarity as it's the first half of a 2-parter. Most issues up to this point have been stand alone. With 1 or 2 exceptions. It's possible that we get more of the Howler's origin in the following issue. Hopefully, the origins of Dino, Izzy and especially my next favorite Howler, Gabe, will be presented in the next issue giving those hardworking grunts their just due!

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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