Friday, July 13, 2018

Ruinworld #1 (Family Comic Friday)

Pogo and Rex are adventurers looking for fame and fortune in the ravages of Ruinworld.
Their latest round of excitement takes them to an atoll that houses a treasure chest.
However, the chest is protect by an enchantment and neither our stalwart fox or cowardly
pig are qualified to dismantle such a powerful spell. But that won't stop either of them from

Are you not familiar with the characters of Pogo or Rex and their home of Ruinworld?
Don’t worry! I’m not either. But that’s where we will be travelling in this week’s Family
Comic Friday.

Ruinworld #1
Published by Kaboom
Written by Derek Laufman
Art by Derek Laufman

Ruinworld is the international comic book hit by Derek Laufman. It blends funny
animals with the settings of Dungeons and Dragons for an all-ages comedic romp
through spooky castles, destroyed forts and seedy marketplaces. Laufman has
been publishing stories starring Pogo, Rex and their friends several years now and
their mishaps in the business of treasure hunting has made the duo worldwide

The already established storylines of Pogo and Rex was my only issue with this
issue. Kaboom doesn’t start off with reprinting the first ever exploits of the comedic
fox and pig duo. Instead, the publisher gives Laufman free reign to craft an all-new
5-issue miniseries for Kaboom’s readers in the US. So when Pogo and Rex start
name dropping other characters from Ruinworld, it’s going to be a little bit confusing
for new readers.

Ruinworld might be an all-new land for American readers but it’s not being treated
as such by Kaboom. This lack of starting Ruinworld in the New World at the very
beginning might actually hurt this new series. However, I am here to tell you that
if you can overlook that concern, you are really going to enjoy this book.

Derek Laufman really brings these characters to life both in word and illustration.
Pogo and Rex are a great comedic duo and they play off each other’s weaknesses
very well. Not only do the lead characters have a sort of Martin and Lewis straight
man/silly man vibe, there’s an almost Waiting for Godot sort of quality that exudes
heart and hubris to the characters.

The artwork of Laufman is very good. It’s got that classic funny animal quality that
countless comic books have had for decades. Yet, there’s a worn-in kinda of feel,
similar to that Star Wars or Harry Potter. Nothing is spit polished clean in Ruinworld.
That is really a good thing or otherwise, you’d have to call this series Cleanworld.

The first issue was very enjoyable once you get past the lack of introduction of
the characters; both main and off page. The book was quite funny while also being
a little bit spooky. Ruinworld is considered all-ages, but some scenes and
characters may be a tad intense for readers under the age of 8. A good rule of
thumb with Ruinworld for those with young children: if Scooby-Doo is too scary
for your child, this series will need to wait for a year or two.

Ruinworld #1 debuted in store on July 11th, 2018 and  is available in both print
and digital formats.

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.

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