Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Weatherman #1

In the somewhat distant future, the people of Earth have colonized Mars after a bio-terrorist attack decimates much of the planet. On Mars, weatherman Nathan Bright is living the life. He's extremely popular, has a nice home, decent car and a great dog. Plus, with a second date with the local barmaid down the street, Nathan's love life is looking pretty good too!

And then they kill the dog!

I was enjoying this book. I knew from reading the previews that Nathan is supposed to become a fugitive as he tries to uncover who framed him for the terror attack on planet Earth. Towards the end of this premiere issue, I was wondering when it was going to get to the supposed premise of the story. 

And then they kill the dog!

With John Wick-like rage (okay, maybe I wasn't that bad), I was thoroughly pissed off at series writer and creator Jody Leheup (Shirtless Bear Fighter.) Nathan's dog was such a sweetie and never did anything wrong and then they had to up and kill her. And they didn't just put the pup to sleep. No, they blew her freakin' brains out. Now I am pissed at artist Nathan Fox (Blue Estate) too. He didn't have to be that violent with her! 

What really gets me is despite how upset Leheup and Fox made me, I want to know what happens to Nathan Bright! 

I have to give begrudging kudos to Image Comics. You can me an exceptional first issue. You reeled me in around the 20-page mark and then BLAMMO!, the comic book shock of the year! But at that point, as appalled as I was, you had me hooked. 

In perhaps the worst treatment of a made-up canine since that tear-jerking episode of Futurama, I hold out hope. The creators of Futurama realized their blunder and made things right, having the dog and his owner be reunited in a time-warped twist in the series finale. Hopefully, Leheup and Fox will make things right with Nathan Bright and his beloved doggie by the end of this intense series.

Worth Consuming!- But I am giving you the lowest good rating possible as you killed the dog!

Rating: 7 out of 10 stars.

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