Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Beef #5

When I finished issue #4, I had commented that the chapter was a vast departure from the formula of the previous 3 issues. I also had hoped that this final issue would put things back on track. Unfortunately, that train derailed.

The issue starts with Ghandi, of all people, explaining the insemination and birthing process of cattle. It's basically bovine torture porn for about 9 pages. While it didn't put me off eating meat, it did make me more sympathetic to those 4-stomached grass feeders.

The last 15 pages of this issue returns to the story of protagonist Chuck. Turned literally inside-out once more, the production manager faces off against the Vodino family for the ultimate time. It's perhaps the most gratuitous fight to ever grace a comic book since the reign of Robert Kirkman's Invincible. Did they have Ryan Otterly doing the inks for this?

I was mixed at the ending. The Beef is a mini-series in which nothing is sacred. Okay, maybe the cows are... It's completely unpredictable and completely insane! But I really enjoyed it. 

Once again, do not skip out on the behinds the scenes pages on how this issue cover was crafted. It was very interesting. I would kill for a book on how to make creative covers if it was written and crafted by Shaky Kane and John Roshell. Their amazing techniques are that crazy good!

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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