Saturday, May 4, 2019

True Believers Star Wars Ewoks #1

Before the Porgs, the benchmark of cuteness in the Star Wars universe were the Ewoks. But since the late 1980s, those distant cousins have been anything but forgotten. Well, that's all changed this week as Marvel brings the little fur-balls back in a True Believers re-release for this Family Comic Friday Extra.

True Believers Star Wars Ewoks #1

Written by David Manak
Art by Warren Kremer
Inks by Marie Severin
Published by Marvel Comics
Retail: $1.00

Reprints Ewoks #1 (1986)

1985-1990 is generally known as the Star Wars dark ages. The original trilogy was completed. Star Wars: Droids, an animated series starring C-3PO and R2-D2 was a brief candle in the wind on the ABC Saturday morning line-up. Anything Star Wars being sold in stores was on the clearance shelves. If not for the break-out stars of Return of the Jedi, the Ewoks, Star Wars might not have encountered the resurgence it did in the 1990s and beyond.

As controversial as the Ewoks have been among Star Wars fans, there's no doubt that without them, we probably would never have gotten Episodes I-III or VII-IX. Along with a couple of TV movies from Disney, the Ewoks had a Saturday morning cartoon which spanned a couple of seasons. As a result, Wicket, his friends Teebo and Princess Kneesha were marketed out the wazoo as stuffed animals, t-shirts, pencils and comic books!

In the mid-80s, Marvel Comics operated a kid-friendly imprint called Star Comics. This legendary line contained a number of licensed titles such as Masters of the Universe, Spider-Ham and Madballs, which have become highly sought after collectibles. Both Star Wars: Droids and Ewoks were given the comic book treatment. Just as with the cartoons they were based on, Droids didn't last very long. But the Ewoks enjoyed a decent run of 14 issues over the course of 3 years.

True Believers Star Wars Ewoks #1 reprints the first issue of that 1980s adaptation. In it, Chief Chirpa's daughter, Princess Kneesha, has come down with a mysterious illness. The Ewoks' medicine man recalls a miraculous liquid that had amazing healing powers. But in order to obtain it, one must traverse a deadly gorge of fire.

After sneaking away a special jewel, Wicket and Teebo embark on journey to find more of the liquid. On their adventure, they'll encounter talking rocks, fierce trolls and other perils. The little heroes might even come across the miracle elixir. But will they be able to save their ailing friend in time?

There's two big time names in the creation of this book. The first is EIC, Jim Shooter. The wunderkind was responsible for the 1980s Marvel Renaissance and the big time crossovers Contest of Champions and Secret Wars. The other is inker, Marie Severin. A member of the original usual gang of idiots behind E.C. Comics and MAD Magazine, Severin was the co-creator of Spider-Woman and several memorable Howard the Duck characters.

Some astute older fans might recognize the name of illustrator Warren Kremer. A Harvey Comics staple, Kremer created Richie Rich and Hot Stuff the Little Devil.

In 2019, the Ewoks are a nearly forgotten part of Star Wars lore. Other than featuring in a chapter of last year's Tales From Vader's Castle, the Ewoks haven't been seen in any of the prequel or third trilogy films. With a hint that The Rise of Skywalker might return to Endor, that may all change.

So why not re-introduce the newest generation of Star Wars fans to the Ewoks?  With a cover price of only $1.00, this is book is quite friendly on the pocket book. And as Star Comics was approved for all-ages, there's nothing objectionable for Star Wars fans of any age! Then if the young reader in your life becomes a fan, check out Star Wars: Ewoks- Flight to Danger, which reprints the first 10 issues of the original Star Comics run.

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.

True Believers Star Wars Ewoks #1 debuted in print on May 1st, 2019.

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