Sunday, November 7, 2021

Star Wars Adventures Vol. 2: Unexpected Detour

Since my library has about 20 volumes of Star Wars Adventures, and I'm not able to go to comic book conventions right now due to the lack of cons during a pandemic, I plan on saving some money by reading the whole run. Unfortunately, my library prohibits patrons from checking out more than 3 books from the same series at a time. No prob. I can make do with multiple trips.

The main feature of this volume is a 2-parter starring Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker. Taking place immediately after the Battle of Yavin, Leia is hoping the win will encourage more planets will join the Rebellion. But when Luke falls into the hands of the Empire, that victory rush might be over pretty quick. It's up to the Princess of Alderaan to don an Imperial uniform and do a impossible rescue herself!

Finn stars in another main feature story. It's from his time as a First Order stormtrooper and it offers a clear glimpse into why Finn was never meant to be a vindictive killer. This one has a great twist ending!

'The Tales from Wild Space' back up features are mixed bag. Actor Alan Tudyk pens a story starring his character from Rogue One, K-2SO. While Cassian Andor goes in search of parts to repair his ship, K-2 becomes the unwilling babysitter of a trio of precocious Wookiee younglings. Then those precocious Porgs from the new trilogy are the stars of a story that has Rey and Chewbacca going out of their minds as the alien birdies make a mess of the Millennium Falcon. 

Lastly, there's a story starring a character I'm not at all familiar with at all. He's a young lad named Mattis Banz. Banz is a character from a series of young adult Star Wars novels and he's apparently canon. This story is from his time as an orphan at a farm colony and shows how the spark of justice and heroism was within him at such a young age.

Of course, my least favorite story was the Mattis Banz story. Not because it was of poor quality or anything like that. It's just that Banz is placed within the pages of this book without any sort of introduction; like all Star Wars fans are supposed to know who he is. Luke, Chewie, Darth Vader- those are characters in a galaxy far, far away that need zero introduction. As I doubt very many young Star Wars fans have read the books he appears in, Mattis Banz is a character that needs inauguration!

Confusion aside. this was an enjoyable read full of exciting stories and great art by the likes of Derek Charm, Eric Jones and Annie Wu.

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars. 

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