Friday, January 28, 2022

Marvel Comics Presents #46

A new series begins in this issue. Starring the Devil-Slayer, it has the occult superhero going down to a fiction South American country. On his quest to rid the world of demons, Devil-Slayer comes across a mission under siege by a junta. 

Now I know what you are thinking- why should Devil-Slayer even care about getting embroiled with a banana republic. Well, maybe he'll save the day since the mercs are under the leadership of the ghost of legendary pirate ship!

In one of the single issue stories, the Christ figure Aquarian returns. I haven't seen him since the days of late 70s Fantastic Four and Marvel Two-In-One. Here, the hippie hero is wandering America looking to help whenever he's got a chance. With his log hair and peace & love persona, Aquarian becomes the target of a ultra-conservative group operating in the Midwest. It's a wild story that smacks of Billyjack or the David Carradine vehicle Kung-Fu. But not in a bad way!

In the other 8-pager, Namor, the Sub-Mariner teaches a lesson to 2 illegal whalers who make the mistake of trying to hunt one of the Atlantean's fishy friends. Okay- I know that whales are fish. But I was being colorfully alliterative. 

Let's talk about the cover story. Wolverine is still battling that black and white dual entity that in reality just a mutant with a glandular thing. The other thing of note is that Wolverine is starting to show affection to a female. A female whose lover died like 3 issues ago! Anyways, I think I know what's coming because anytime the mutant falls for someone it's a pretty sure thing that girl is gonna wind up dead. 

A decent issue with some memorable moments.

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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