Friday, March 11, 2022

My Video Game Ate My Homework (Family Comic Friday)

Dewey Jenkins is a brilliant kid. He's great with electronics and gadgets. But because he is dyslexic, Dewey struggles in school. If he can't ace it in his science fair project, Dewey will spend his vacation in summer school. 

One of Dewey's best friends, Ferg, is the principal's son. While in his dad's office, Dewey's buddy accidentally breaks the science fair grand prize, an experimental new video game system. Since Dewey is such a tech wizard, he'll probably be able to fix it. But when the video game eats Dewey's science fair project, he'll need all the help he can get.

Along with his twin sister, her best friend and Ferg the butterfingers, Dewey must enter the video game to save his project. Or it's summer school for sure!

This is an interesting entry in the DC kids graphic novels. Works like The Secret Spiral of the Swamp Kid and We Found A Monster star characters that aren't DC Universe regulars but there are some official guest stars floating around. Not in this work. I don't even think super heroes exist in Dewey's world. Instead, the kids wear tees with Wonder Woman on them and discuss their favorite characters on Teen Titans Go! 

This graphic novel was written and illustrated by Dustin Hansen, a real video game expert. Hansen also has dyslexia. You know how they say writers should write what they know? Well, Dustin Hansen really does know his stuff! And he does an amazing job showing this Madman what dyslexia looks like from a suffer's eyes.

My Video Game Ate My Homework was extremely clever and creative. I didn't really understand the whole thing about the number of lives that a character has in the video game. But that's always been one of my weaknesses when playing video games. Dusten Hansen does what video game developers do very well; he creates a whole world. 

Now for my criticism that isn't really a criticism. I liked Hansen's artwork. The monsters in the game and the settings are awesome. The one thing that is a bit unusual for a DC Comic is that everybody look like the human Muppets from Sesame Street. The round noses that are different colors from the rest of the body. The round eyes the size of billiard balls. The lanky arms and legs. I'm wondering if Hansen graduated from the Jim Henson school of art!

A really great graphic novel for 8-12 year old readers with a message. Perfect for those with learning disorders, fans of video games and of course, those who love comics and graphic novels. 

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.

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