Monday, March 7, 2022

Marvel Comics Presents #68

Marvel Comics lied! Last issue the editors said that the Wolverine/Ghost Rider story was coming to an end in this issue. It said in the last panel 'To Be Concluded.' In this issue, things wrap up with a 'To Be Continued.' Gosh darn it! This blasted story is still going to keep going- for at least one issue. But still...

The Fantastic Four story does end in this issue. I knew it was coming. I didn't want it to. The villain is finally revealed and no, it's not Doctor Doom, The Frightful Four or Rama Tut. Instead, it's some alien race I've never heard of that looks like a cross between the Impossible Man and the FF in their purple astronaut suits. 

Starting up in this issue is a Shanna the She-Devil multi-parter. It's a good opener. But there's one graphic scene that just haunts me. It's of a slaughtered elephant. It was killed by poachers. Only the poaching didn't happen in the African wild but in a zoo in London! But due to this unspeakable killing, Shanna will be heading to the Dark Continent as she's got a pretty good idea just who is behind the carnage.

The one-and-done story is a charming story involving Lockjaw. He's with some of the Inhumans in New York City. But as a dog is want to do, Lockjaw senses something is wrong and goes off throughout the city. It's a good thing, because a land developer with even less of a heart than Shanna's poacher is about to torch a rundown tenement loaded with homeless and disadvantaged New Yorkers!

I hated the Wolverine/Ghost Rider entry. I'm just getting tired of it. The Fantastic Four story was good. But I didn't want it to end. The Shanna story is good. But I hate it when animals get mistreated. Even sketched and inked ones. And that Lockjaw story was fan-dam-tastic! So good. If Scott Lobdell and Jose Delbo had done a miniseries of Lockjaw adventures a la Lassie, I'd be all over the web to get my hands on it. Great story!

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 7 out of 10 stars.

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