Friday, June 21, 2024

Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime #1 (Family Comic Friday)

If Don Rosa's The Old Castle's Other Secret is the quintessential ending to the story of Scrooge McDuck, then this tale is the epilogue!

Jason Aaron pens a story that asks what if on that fateful snowy Christmas on Bear Mountain, Donald and his nephews never showed up? Scrooge would still be motivated to discover all those hidden treasures. However, without the bonds of family to experience those adventures with, McDuck would still be wanting more. Thus, when he uncovers an enchanted mirror that can breach the barrier between worlds, that world's Worlds Richest Duck will seek to become the richest duck of all the worlds!

I'm actually surprised that there hasn't been such a story before this. Multiverse type stories are extremely popular right now and it seems like every franchise from Rick and Morty to Scooby-Doo has done such a story in one medium or another. 

A bevy of artists contributed beautiful work on this book which might seem a little expensive with a $7.99 price. However it's got a ton of extras including the story that inspired this comic, Christmas on Bear Mountain, which introduced readers to Uncle Scrooge way back in 1947. That debut story is remastered to crystal clear perfection and worth the extra cost.

Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime is the first Disney Ducks comic book ever from Marvel. The House of Ideas had tested a Disney comic in the early 90s, featuring popular franchises like the Little Mermaid, but they were victims of the comic book bubble. I've had this book on my wish list ever since I learned about its existence back in March. I would have gotten it the day it dropped in stores if I wasn't so gosh darn tired from driving all the day prior back from vacation. So I got it the next day after a big rest. But I didn't have to worry about it selling out because I made sure to order a copy from my favorite comic book store early!

Speaking of orders, thanks to the special material at the end of this book, I've got not one but 2 more Disney one-shots by Marvel to look forward to in the next couple of months. Donald Duck is being given the What If... treatment in 2 new specials that ask what would happen if Scrooge's nephew was subject to the Weapon X program and then found the hammer of Thor. With an Aliens What If... miniseries just wrapping up and these Disney issues forthcoming, I'm hoping that Star Wars is next to go under the watchful eye of the Watcher.

I'm not sure if Jason Aaron is ready to be listed with the likes of Rosa, Carl Barks and William Van Horn. But he's got my blessing to write more stories starring Scrooge and his nephews. Aaron crafted a perfect all-ages adventure that includes appearances by inventor Gyro Gearloose and those dastardly Beagle Boys. (Be sure to look out for a cameo made by the adult version of Simba from The Lion King!) I only wish that with the Christmas time book-ending of this story, and the inclusion of Scrooge's holiday set debut, that this book had come out in December. You're welcome to wait and read this book closer to Christmas. But where's the fun in that?

Oh... Can someone please tell me what happened to Donald and his nephews that kept them from visiting McDuck that Christmas on that alternate Earth? That's a mystery I'd like solved! Maybe Jason Aaron can explain that in a follow up to this funtastic multiverse romp!

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 10 out of 10 stars.

Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime debuted in print and digital formats on June 19th, 2024.

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