Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Age of Ultron

Some of you may be saying "'Age of Ultron,' where have I heard that before?" Well, it's the subtitle of the next Avengers film due out this summer. Though the villain Ultron is the film's main villain, I doubt that the plot will be as wide scale and sweeping as in this miniseries.

   In 'Age of Ultron' the dastardly artificial intelligence has created a vast army of robots and drones with the sole purpose of destroying all organic life from the earth. The attack takes just minutes and now only a handful of survivors are the only hope for humanity.

   Several small groups make their way to the Savage Land, seeing it's Antarctic locale as the ultimate protection from Ultron's forces. There they find Nick Fury and discover that the reason why Ultron can't be touched is that he's controlling all of the pieces his chess board from the future. Fury just happens to have Doctor Doom's time travelling platform and assembles a team to strike at Ultron from his distant safe haven.  However, Wolverine has other plans and along with the Invisible Woman, the mutant decides to go back in time and kill Ultron's creator, Hank Pym!

   If you've been reading the reviews of the Marvel Now! Avengers series on my blog, you've probably realized that crazy things are going on with the space-time continuum in the Marvel Universe. Alternate earths are being destroyed and the Illuminati are at odds with the rest of the Avengers over the use of a planet killing device to save our earth (earth-616.)

   The events that occur in this miniseries are the spark that lights the fire of the death of the multiverse. With the upcoming 'Secret Wars' series that will result in the first ever reboot of Marvel Comics, the time to read this miniseries has never been more timely.
With a great plot, dynamic art, and some very unique takes on the philosophical question "If you could go back in time and kill Hitler, would ya?" this is one of the best sweeping crossover events that I've ever read.
   Worth Consuming

   Rating: 10 out of 10 stars.

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