Thursday, February 26, 2015

Star Wars: The Protocol Offensive

Star Wars: The Protocol Offensive (1997) #GN
 This original Dark Horse Comics graphic novel from 1997 is co-written by the expert on protocol himself, C-3PO- Anthony Daniels. 'The Protocol Offensive' is a politically intriguing affair in which Threepio and his astromech partner R2-D2 must prevent two warring tribes from annihilating each other while negotiating a trade treaty with a mining company all at the same time.
 This story takes place in that strange period of time where the cartoon 'Droids' occurred (prior to Episode IV: A New Hope) when  both Threepio and Artoo were without masters. Like in that short-lived series, the droids undergo no less than 3 ownership changes. Only these point of sales take place the means of a 48-page story!
   I really enjoyed this story. The writing was really good and the dialogue perfect (and why wouldn't it be, it was written by Daniels who crafted the iconic character he's played for over 35-years now.) The art was also very good and I just loved the painted quality of it and the cover.
  Finishing this story, I did have one puzzling question: if Lucasfilm is to be believed, thanks to the new trilogy finally being made, any work made after Return of the Jedi was rendered no longer canon. Since the series 'Droids' as well as the 'Protocol Offensive' occurs before episode IV (but was published after Episode VI) is this story canon or not? Either way you want to answer this, and I challenge George Lucas to write an explanation in this review's comment section, this was a great story and a fun journey to a galaxy far, far away...

   Worth Consuming.

    Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.

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