Along with the pilot Nein Nunb and a ragtag band of soldiers, Leia must mount a decoy fleet in hopes of attracting the Empire's attention. Using old codes, that the Empire can and will break, will cause countless Rebel sympathizers to put their lives on the line for the ploy. More importantly, has Leia signed ber own death warrant when an Imperial star destroyer shows up before she's even activated the first beacon?
True, since Leia appears in Jedi, we know that she'll come out alright. But, this is still a thrilling adventure that sheds light on some key moments in Episode VI. However, I think that this book eradicates 'Shadows of the Empire,' the multimedia storyline that was to bridge together Episodes V and VI, from Star Wars canon. So, that possibility might infuriate some people.
Moving Target is the next book in the Journey to the Force Awakens series of young adult novels. Though the book isn't numbered 'volume 2' or 'book 2,' the character of Ematt makes an several appearances and his rescue by Han Solo are mentioned in this book. So, if you are trying to figure out which book to read first the order (thus far) is 1. Smuggler's Run and 2. Moving Target. Not sure where the Luke Skywalker adventure finds in this 'trilogy', but I will very soon.
Another thing tying Smuggler's Run and Moving Target together is that the main story is sandwiched between an prologue and epilogue that occurs just prior to the Force Awakens. Here, Leia is now a General in the fight against good and evil, dictating her memoirs. The premise of these books is to offer clues to the forthcoming blockbuster directed by JJ Abrams. Whereas Smuggler's Run gave us little more than a glimpse at old Han, this book was brimming with clues.
First of all, with the character of Ematt appearing in both the past and current Star Wars timelines, I'm now sure he's going to play a role in Episode VII. Also, Leia makes several remarks about another character that leads me to believe that he or she is one of Leia's kids but living under a different name to keep them safe from the dreaded First Order. Thirdly, well I can't really say much about the clues surrounding it because it will all but give away another possible spoiler.
All I can say is this- a lot about the speculations of Episode VII surrounding several mystery players is all but confirmed here. Authors Cecil Castellucci and Jason Fry craft a very good tale without giving away too much. If anything, this book has just gotten me even more pumped up for December 18th!
An exciting read that leave's Han and Chewie's tale lagging 12 parsecs behind.
Worth Consuming
Rating: 10 out of 10 stars.