Wednesday, January 10, 2018

C Montgomery Burns' Handbook of World Domination

Have you ever found yourself wondering how to command the business world to the point of total earthly dominance? Unless you work for Congress, you probably don't have a framework how to get started in your quest for power. That is until now!

The C Montgomery Burns' Handbook of World Domination is your textbook to becoming a titan of industry, a sultan of international affairs, and potentially a member of a shady secret society that controls everything from behind closed doors!

This book will teach you how to dress for success, arm your business office from intruding regulatory agents and annoying employees seeking raises, how to train a lackey, and much, much more. 

From the Vault of Simpsonology line of books (a more interactive offshoot of the Simpsons Library of Wisdom), this one was a hoot. A very uncomfortable hoot, but a laugh nonetheless. I think it would have been funnier if without the current political climate. Yet, some of the gags, a couple of which involve Donald Trump, are eerily close to real life now. 

Here's the really scary thing: this book was written in 2014! Yet, with very creepy perfection, a bunch of jokes about world dominance having wrung true in the past 24 months in American politics. It's like Simpsons creator Matt Groening is a comedic genius with the power of clairvoyance. And unlike most psychics, Groening is right an alarming amount of the time. 

Please don't think that my review nor this book is intended to bash President Trump. It's just that this manual, while written as a gag, hits very close to the headlines, what with the Monty Burns School of Business (Trump University) and selections from Mr. Burns' reccomended reading list read like the current administration's take on finance, ecology, and net neutrality. 

If you have an Ollie's Discount Outlet nearby, this book can be found for less than $4. If you are a Simpsons fan, you are going to love this book. But if you are a fan of conspiracy theories, then this book just might become the newest one to keep you up at night.

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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