Thursday, June 1, 2023

V #5

There's a lot going on in this issue. But despite the amazing cover, what happens inside this issue just isn't as powerful and intense as the fiery destruction of an American city. 

Ham and Chris have found Elizabeth, the Star Child. Now with her psychic help, the mercenaries have a solid lead on Nathan Bates' missing son, Kyle. Disguised as security forces, Ham and Chris stumble upon the most sickening Visitor processing plant yet; camouflaged as a fat farm! Only it is a fat farm! One intent on fattening humans up for Visitor consumption.

Speaking of consumption, the peace conference between Diana and that Carl Sagan-like human character has begun aboard the mothership. The leader of the Visitors has prepared a feast based on French cuisine and it seems to soften the resolve of the human representative. But fret not- there's sabotage afoot on both sides of the chess board!

Like I said, a whole bunch is going on here. That twist on the fat farm was a shocker. But again, the action that occurs in book #5 just isn't on par with the Independence Day level destruction on the front. 

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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