Thursday, June 8, 2023

V #9

With the loss of Ham and Chris, who went to Chicago to protect Robin from Visitor scientists, the Los Angeles Resistance is looking pretty sparse. So Julie and Donovan head to the Big Apple for a recruitment drive. Only, with the Big Apple being smack dab in the middle of the safe zone created from the use of the Red Dust, none of the locals feel that the Visitors are a threat to the New Yorker way of life. 

Meanwhile, the drama is heating up on Diana's mothership. On the TV show, Diana was about to be forced into marrying a Visitor high-up named Charles. Should Diana wed, ancient custom would require her to have to go back to the Visitor homeworld and become a breeder for her race's glorious Leader. This would have allowed rival Lydia to become the new leader of the Earth contingent of Visitors. But Lydia was also in love with Charles and secretly poisoned Diana's ceremonial wedding chalice; which Diana switched with Charles!

So now Charles is dead. Lydia is in mourning. And Diana is coming out smelling like a rose as the widowed bride-to-be. Lydia is also planning revenge on Diana and it somehow involves a behemoth of a Visitor named Walter who has a giant crush on the Visitor leader. He thinks Diana is his! With Lydia pulling on Walter's heartstrings, the second-in-command hopes to kill two birds with one stone: Diana and Resistance leader, Mike Donovan!

Bates is Back. Infantino is on the cover. As is DeZuniga. It definitely looks like a mix of Infantino's classic style with touches that seem out of place. Once again, I am thinking Tony Dezuniga was needed to help Infantino stay on top of the demands of a hectic schedule brought about from age and CRISIS. 

Regardless, this was a great story. Too bad the TV show and this book didn't succeed. I think if both readers and viewers had known that the series and the comic were complementary of each other, it might have kept V on for another season and maybe given us 8-10 more issues of the comic. Oh, the mind boggles at the possibilities.

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.

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