Thursday, June 22, 2023

V #18

Paul Kupperberg places the period at the end of this DC Comics adaptation. Though promises of a third miniseries and numerous revival series would come and go, except for a Kenneth Johnson penned sequel in 2008, the original V is complete. Maybe I will get my hands on the mass paperback one day. But at current prices, I'm just not willing to pay a lot to possibly be disappointed. 

In my mind, issue #16 was the perfect ending to the original franchise. I'm happy with it. 

As for this issue, and the last one, I am extremely confused about it. I still don't understand why they put this two-parter about Elias and a woman from his past as the closer when things are wrapped up nice and tight in issue #16. Would it have been so hard to have switched things up? I guess I'll never get a definitive answer on this. Unless I happen to run into either Paul Kupperberg (again) or series editor Marv Wolfman (for the first time). 

If you are a fan of the original V and you want to collect the entire comic book series, it's not that expensive to do. I found a lot of my issues in bargain bins. And had every issue for prices ranging from $4-8 each, depending on grade. But if you do get the complete run, take my advice: read issues #17 & 18 before closing things out with issue #16. Heck, read these two issues before you get to #8 for an even better story flow based on later events. 

It's all up to you in the long run!

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 7 out of 10 stars.

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