Monday, June 12, 2023

V #10

Issue #10 begins with one of the best covers of the entire series. Rival leaders of the Visitors Diana and Lydia stand in front of a white background, swiss-cheesed with bullet holes. Lydia is using the bar code box as a prop to rest one of her legs on. Diana is poised, ready to strike in her white commander uniform. She didn't wear that outfit for very long. But it was quite memorable. 

And those blasters! That was the coolest sci-fi laser gun of my childhood, next to Han Solo's blaster. I loved my toy version of it. When you squeezed the trigger, a little motor inside caused sparks to shoot out. It was so fun!!!

As for the material inside, there's a lot going for it and I'm not just singing Cary Bates' praises. The book feels thicker than the other issues do. Yet, the last page claims that there were 24 pages of story, which for 1985, was standard for a DC Comic. 

As mentioned with last issue, the leaders of the Resistance are in New York City on a recruitment drive. There really hasn't been much Resistance activity since the Big Apple is positioned in an area of the planet where reptiles can't survive for very long. As a result, the Visitors have focused on more sub-tropical areas to maintain a militaristic presence, such as Miami and L.A. 

However, with the coming of spring, more and more Lizards are slithering into the city that never sleeps. See the warmer it is, the less effective the Visitor poisoning agent, Red Dust, is to them. To prevent the Visitor Spring from taking place, members of the alien race who are opposed to Diana's harsh rule called the Fifth Column, are working to place a weather device atop the Empire State Building, ensuring 365 days of colder temps along the Eastern Seaboard. 

While the Resistance works to getting this gadget in place, Visitor Walter, in a human disguise, has found Mike Donovan. Under the false impression that Donovan is Diana's secret human lover, Walter is ready to turn the Resistance leader into reptile chow. Now Donovan must play the role of bait in order to keep Walter and the Visitors from stumbling upon the Resistance's climate change plans or else the coast is toast!

Like I said, a ton of stuff occurs in this issue, including a cat fight of sorts between Lydia and Diana. Of course, nothing that would affect the plots of the TV show is going to come from this battle. But it's still a guilty pleasure for sure seeing these two go at it! There's nothing sexual about the rivalry between Lydia and Diana. Those antagonistic scenes were some of the best writing of one-liners and yo mama type insults in TV history!

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars. 

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