Tuesday, June 14, 2016

All-New X-Men, Volume 6: The Ultimate Adventure

    With their teachers summoned to Westchester to hear the reading of Professor X's will, the students of the New Xavier School are bored silly. Suddenly Cerebro goes wild having detected a new mutant just coming into her powers. But when some of the time displaced X-Men arrive, they spook the young mutant further and find themselves teleported away to various locations around the world. Separately, each member of the team are faced with strange happenings that lead them all to come to the same realization- this is not their earth!

  Just when I think All-New X-Men can’t  get any better, Brian Michael Bendis scoops a handful of the mutants up and puts them into his Ultimate Universe! BAM- or should I say Bamf? Either way, it’s an instant classic.

  The addition of the Miles Morales as a guide for the time and space displaced original X-Men was a brilliant idea. Spidey isn’t really known for being affiliated with the X-Men. But because Miles has crossed universes before, teaming with the Peter Parker Spider-Man of Earth-616 in the miniseries Spider-Men (2012), it makes perfect sense.

  If you like stories that involve time travel- then All-New X-Men is the series you’ve been looking for. But if you also like for your time travelers to hop from alternate earth to alternate earth, you should watch Doctor Who. But this volume is the next best thing!!!  Featuring some of your favorite Ultimate Universe characters (Plus X-23!), dynamic art by Mahmud Asrar (Siege: Battlefield), as well as the aforementioned Bendis this truly is the Ultimate Adventure!

Worth Consuming

Rating: 10 out of 10 stars.

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