Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Vision and the Scarlet Witch #6

This is the issue I've been hinting at since I began reading the Vision and Scarlet Witch minis. I was originally going to read these comics earlier in the year as part of my annual reading challenge. I think I needed to read an Avengers book or something like that. When I was looking things over, I discovered that this issue was set during Thanksgiving. As I don't have very many books set during Turkey Day, I decided to hold off on reading these until November. Imagine my surprise as two issues have been set during Halloween. It's been an unexpected holiday extravaganza!

So what is this issue about? Wanda and her husband decide to host Thanksgiving at their new house. Members of the Avengers, Wanda's physician Doctor Strange, brother Pietro and family and friends are all invited. That includes papa Magneto. The former villain is treated to a chilly reception as Magneto has burned a lot of bridges. This leads Magneto to leave early. Only he doubles back when he discovers that a group of foes are hiding in the former Avengers' back yard awaiting to strike. It's the original lineup of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. But wait, how can there be 2 Magnetos and 2 Quicksilvers?!

This holiday set story was worth the wait. I knew with this being a superhero story that this wasn't going to be a total love feast. I knew that there was going to be some action and excitement. But there was enough turkey and trimmings to make this story festive enough for my liking.

Plus somebody must really like me because I learned at the end of this tale that issue #7 is set during Christmas!  It's a holiday miracle! I normally wait until the day after Thanksgiving to start reading Christmas comics. But as this issue ends on a cliffhanger, I'm gonna treat myself with an early Christmas present and read the follow up early.

You don't have to read the 9 previous issues that lead up to this giving of thanks. But it helps. I understand why this book is consistently included in lists of the best Thanksgiving comics of all-time and it's not because of how few Turkey Day reads there are in comicdom.

A true classic!

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 10 out of 10 stars.

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