Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Adventures of Cthulhu Jr. and Dastardly Dirk One-Shot (Halloween ComicFest 2019)

I guess like TV shows and movies, comic books get cancelled before they get past the pilot stage. That seems to be what happened here with this 2019 Halloween Comic Fest freebie. 

The Adventures of Cthulhu Jr. and Dastardly Dirk is a promotional comic that prints the first chapter of the proposed graphic novel. In this story, Dastardly Dirk longs to be a super villain. He's got the costume. He's got the underling. And he's got the scout cookies! 

Ironically, it's the cookies that seem to be the only thing going for Dastardly Dirk's evil ways. Scorned by his nasty peers, it appears that our anti-hero will have to stay in his suburban home with his loving wife, daughter and secret underground lair (and by that we mean the basement.) That is until a mysterious foreboding cloud appears in Dirk's cul-de-sac full of promise of an evil entity taking form on earth. Instead, it's an adorable Cthulhu whose been taken in by an elderly neighbor!

This was such a great opening chapter! The back of this issue promised a release in 2020. Sure, I know COVID has messed up a bunch of plans. But I figured by now, it would have been published already. No dice!

As I usually do, I did some research and I discovered that there will be or have already been plans to sell this book via some sort of crowdfunding. But I'm not sure if this finished up or not. So, I've actually contacted writer and co-creator Dirk Manning for more info on this. Hopefully, I will be an owner and reader of the rest of this fabulous idea.

For now, you'll need to turn to online retailers to see if they might have a back issue copy of this great read. But if the fates are in my favor, I'll be helping all of you get your hands on the full story.

A funny read that has dashes of Despicable Me and the artwork styling of Art Baltazar and Franco. Oh and Lovecraft too- if the horror writer was secretly Doctor Seuss.

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 9.5 out of 10 with only a half point deduction because I can't readily get my hands on the rest of these adventures.

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