Friday, September 23, 2022

Marvel Comics Presents #166

4 very thrilling chapters comprise this issue. 

First up, Ted Sallis is getting the chance to live the life he would have lived had he not been tragically transformed into the Man-Thing. Meanwhile, the Man-Thing, now completely devoid of any humanity, wanders aimlessly through a creepy Southern mansion, killing indiscriminately. 

The tag-team duo of Mike Jeffries and Mickey Musashi, who together make up one member of the New Warriors, Turbo, are back. This time, it's Mike's turn to wear the Torpedo costume. A band of alien warriors have come to earth to claim the costume. Too bad it's Mickey who's the brawn of the outfit and nowhere near this super-powered outfit...

In another opening segment, the Julia Carpenter Spider-Woman is the main star. On a brief respite from Force Works, Carpenter has obtained a stalker who promises to do something drastic if the heroine doesn't promise to become his lover.

Lastly, it's a showdown between Vengeance, Psiphon and Sam Buchanan in the closing segment of this Ghost Rider tale. There's an unexpected shift in allegiances here. One that promises to make Badilino's time on the Paranormal Law Enforcement Team hellish for issues to come. 

The Man-Thing story is extremely meta. It's the sort of thing I'd expect of Grant Morrison or Alan Moore. But this is Marvel and not Vertigo. The Turbo story is hilarious. But it could really use some Slapstick. I thought the Vengeance story was a thrill a minute. Those stories have gotten better now that they seem to focus a little bit more on Vengeance's alter-ego, Michael Badilino. 

As for the Spider-Woman tale, its source material of a deranged admirer willing to turn sniper at a local shopping center is just too realistic for 2022 audiences. In 1994, this was still fairly far-fetched stuff even though Mark David Chapman and John Hinckley Jr. were only 15 years prior. Sadly, nowadays, this sort of stuff seems like a daily occurrence. And as a school teacher, it just hits too close to home.

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 8 out of 10 stars.

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