Saturday, September 24, 2022

Marvel Comics Presents #167

After spending the past few issues trying to kill each other, Michael Badilino and Sam Buchanan find themselves both on the NYPD's paranormal task. Add to the fact that both Badilino and Buchanan have the hots for teammate Rebecca Taylor, you know that things are going to run smoothly for the two. 

In the first chapter of the newest Ghost Rider epic, a seedy televangelist is rising public fervor against the demonically powered Vengeance. But on the flip side, a new gang of rowdies that are devoted to the Spirit of Vengeance, called the Revengers, have taken to the streets of the Big Apple. Dressed as the Ghost Rider, these guys enact their own form of vengeance against those who wronged others.

The Man-Thing story comes to an end. After several very good Marvel Horror style chapters, the last chapter got really philosophical. There's a lot of symbolism in this finale and I am sure that a lot of it is the author Simon Jowett's (Black Axe) way of journaling some of his insecurities and fears as a creator of words. At least I understood most of the ending...

The Turbo story also comes to a close. It was only a 2-parter. But it was such an entertaining two-parter that was very wacky. I would've been okay if this story had continued for another couple of chapters. 

Lastly, the Julia Carpenter Spider-Woman is dealing with a stalker who is taking her rejections out on the populace through a series of sniper attacks. Now Carpenter's daughter (and subsequent school) have been named as the next planned assault and Spider-Woman and her Force Works allies must race to find the killer and save her child!

Every story was engrossing enough to have something that I enjoyed. After a very rocky start, I keep finding the character of Vengeance and especially alter-ego Michael Badilino to just keep getting better and better. The Man-Thing story had that gothic antebellum edge that makes me a fan of the character. I'm just not real big on symbolism. The New Warrior Turbo romp could have extended for several more issues. But man, what a fun ride. As for the Spider-Woman story. It's a great psychological thriller. However, being a teacher, I'm finding that the subject matter of mass shootings and potential school violence hitting a little too close to home.

Worth Consuming!

Rating: 7 out of 10 stars.

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