Thursday, March 20, 2014

Son of Ambush Bug #6 (of 6)

Son of Ambush BugĀ #6B

The Son of Ambush Bug ends with the myriad of plotlines being solved. As the Bug finds himself in an off-panel purgatory, the Asian version of the Bug meets his ultimate fate with the King of the Lizards, Arrr-Gyle! is folded away, and the Interferer, the dastardly villain behind the many hits of Ambush Bug, discovers a universe that can never benefit from his powers of altering reality.


Of course, the main plotline that involves AB searching for his lost child is concluded as well. But the ending is left to interpretation as to whether it all ends badly or well for the duo. I’ll leave that decision to you. But I must say I hate ambiguous endings. Ever since the movie Castaway, I’ll never been a fan of them.


Overall, the series and this issue was neither the best of worst thing I’ve ever read. Compared to the other Ambush Bug stories I have read however, this one is definitely not my favorite, not by a long shot.


Rating: 5 out of 10 stars



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