Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Classic GI Joe, Volume 11

 Classic G.I. Joe (2009-2012) #TP Vol 11
This volume starts with a Joes/ Oktober Guard cross-over. And wouldn’t you know it; you have to have an issue of Special Missions prior to reading this volume. Of course, I don’t have it. It really ticked me off, but I pressed on and I read it anyway. I am happy to say, you don’t miss much.
Then the fate of Millville and Mutt and Spirit is concluded with an outcome that works completely in Cobra’s favor. Speaking of Cobra’s favor, this entire issue seems to be a win/ win for the terrorist organization. The Joes are made to look like chumps and the besieged nation of Sierra Gordo looks like it’s been pushed to the brink when Cobra contractors completely wipe out that nation’s rain forest.

Then the unthinkable happens- Joes die and they die violently and by the handful. When a team of Joes are captured in a fictional Middle Eastern nation by Tomax and Xamot, a little bit of static on the sat-com call between the Crimson Guard and Cobra Commander results in the unthinkable. It’s one of the most shocking and gut wrenching moments in the entire series.

Lastly, I want to talk about Snake Eyes. Not only does the fan favorite say his first (and so far only) word, the American Ninja experiences a true existentialistic moment when Storm Shadow hypnotizes him into becoming a no mercy killing machine in order to rescue a CIA operative from Borovia. This mission sees many things transpire as the White Clown and his midget friend continue their search for the clown’s imprisoned lady love. As Snake Eyes seeks to complete his mission, back home, his lady, Scarlett, is in a coma fighting for life and Storm Shadow finds himself in a game of cat and mouse fending off the Jugglers and a new clan of Cobra endorsed ninjas.

This volume is Larry Hama and GI Joe at it’s very best. That’s probably because the rule book of GI Joe is thrown out the window. In the cartoon, Joes and Cobras alike shoot lasers by the hundred and nobody dies, much less snag a fingernail. But, in this volume Joes mercilessly kill and are killed. If you only read one volume of Classic GI Joe- this is the one to own! It’s complete and utter carnage to the Nth degree.

Worth Consuming.

Rating: 9 out of 10 stars.

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