Monday, March 3, 2014

Tiny Titans, Volume 4: The First Rule of Pet Club...

Tiny Titans (2008-2012) #TP Vol 4


I often mention in my reviews of the many volumes of Tiny Titans I’ve read how the use of the phrase “The First Rule of Pet Club is that you don’t talk about Pet Club” is why the series has something for all ages. The title of this volume just proves my point. Here, the Tiny Titans have a ton of adventures involving their Pet Club meetings, very rambunctious penguins, and some rascally rabbits- not to mention a very perturbed Wayne Manor butler.


I was so excited when I found this library book hiding in the back of my cabinet. I thought I had checked out and read all of the Tiny Titans books there were that my library had to offer. This little surprise was well worth the wait.


Filled with lots of laughs, lots of sight gags, and tons of inside jokes that older readers like myself would only get, this volume is proof that it’s the perfect book for future DC readers and parents/ older brothers/ cool uncles (or aunts)/ or awesome babysitters to enjoy together!


Worth Consuming.


Rating: 10 out of 10 stars.

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